Epigon Vineyard

Epigon Vineyard – the smallest in Poland! The vineyard is located next to the Local Product Center in Rzuchowa in the manor and park complex. This is a historical reference to tradition, because vines were grown here in the past.
The originators of this vineyard, responding to the appeal of local winemakers, decided to create a place where winemakers will be able to receive groups of tourists – especially large bus groups that are not able to reach the vineyards directly.
Winemakers will be able to present their grapevines here and conduct tasting sessions in the open air. There are also large tasting rooms, professionally prepared workshop kitchen and sanitary facilities at the disposal of winemakers and enotourists.


Stowarzyszenie GRUPA ODROLNIKA
Centrum Produktu Lokalnego w Rzuchowej

Rzuchowa 1, gm. Pleśna
tel. 14 307 05 01


Year of establishment



​Slightly less than 1 are – it is the smallest vineyard in Poland. 40 seedlings of 8 varieties were planted, including 4 industrial varieties and 4 dessert varieties. Ultimately, the vineyard will have no more than 100 bushes, and in addition to the varieties listed below, the old grafts grown in this area will also be restored. The idea of the founders is for the vineyard to gather as many grapevines as possible in Małopolska.

Cultivated varieties:

Dessert crops: GRFR Blue, GRFR Blanc, Arkansas i Awey
Processing crops: Fenix, Sauvignon Gris, Solaris, Rondo


Tourist offer

Here, groups of enotourists are hosted and guided, study meetings with journalists are held here, and here wine-makers conduct wine tastings.
Artisanal vinegars, jams and juices will be produced on the basis of the varieties grown in the vineyard. Wines will also be made, but only in symbolic amounts – a bottle or two from one bush, i.e. 5 to 10 bottles of a given variety.

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